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Open Networking & Edge Summit: Distributed but always Connected

This year, hundreds of professionals spanning the telecom, IoT and edge industries came together at Open Networking and Edge Summit, which took place virtually September 28-30.

Hosted by the Linux Foundation, LF Edge and LF Networking, there were 1,778 registrations (1,322 for the live event and an additional 456 to date for post-event platform access to content and technical showcase). Those attendees that joined live hailed from 523 organizations in 71 countries around the globe with 54% from the United States, Canada, and Mexico. 

51% of attendees spent 10 or more hours on the virtual event platform, and over 68% of attendees spent 4 or more hours on the platform. 69% were first-time Open Networking & Edge Summit attendees. To learn more about the event, check out the 2020 post-event report here

If you missed it, you can find the entire Open Networking & Edge Summit playlist here, which includes keynote presentations, lightning talks, in-depth tutorials, panel discussions and project and use case sessions.  

Arpit Joshipura, General Manager of Networking, IoT and Edge at the Linux Foundation, kicked off the event with a keynote that highlighted the five hard questions answered by LF Edge and LF Networking. 

  1. Why Open Source?
  2. Standards or Open Source?
  3. Why Contribute?
  4. POC to Production?
  5. Money?

Keynotes Day 1

LF Edge projects were featured in sessions:  

Your Path to Edge Computing with Akraino:

Akraino TSC Co-Chairs Kandan Kathirvel (AT&T) and Tina Tsou (Arm) shared details about the Akraino R2 blueprints and R3 community goals, how to engage and contribute and demos of certain blueprints. 

How Akraino is Used (Panel Discussion):

Akraino TSC Co-Chair Tina Tsou (Arm), Sha Rahman (Facebook), Changming Bai (Alibaba), Mark Shan ( Tencent) and Yongsu Zhang and Hechun Zhang (Bytedance) shared end user stories and opinions on how Akraino is used in 5G, the AI Edge, Connected Vehicle, mixed reality AR/VR, and Private LTE/5G.

Serverless in Akraino:

Tapio Tallgreen (Nokia) decided to use the Akraino uMEC project in junction which is the biggest hackathon in Europe. Their concept was to use a scaled-down version of a smart city, with sensors and servers running in lightpoles. All servers were in the same k3s cluster and connected to the Internet. He wanted to make it possible for developers to create applications that can run on the cluster, and do it in 48 hours or less! This presentation details their journey to leveraging OpenFAAS Cloud as the user management and what we learned.

Self Checkout Theft Detection Showcase Using EdgeX Foundry:

EdgeX Foundry Vertical Solutions Chair Henry Lau (HP) gave a presentation about how HP teamed up with other LF Edge members to demonstrate solving complex retail problems with an EdgeX Foundry powered HP Retail IoT Gateway. By making use of self-checkout theft detection use case, it showcased the ability to bring together multiple sensor data streams using EdgeX industry-leading open framework that is cloud-agnostic and sensor-agnostic.

Building the Android for the IoT Edge with Project EVE:

ZEDEDA’s Roman Shaposhnik and LF Edge Governing Board member Jason Shepherd highlighted the key challenges of edge computing, the unique requirements of the IoT edge and why EVE is critical for IoT scale by serving as an open, standardized edge computing engine. We will host a brief demo and talk to what’s next, including integrating EVE with Kubernetes to extend the benefits from the data center to the IoT edge.

Living on the Edge to Meet Today’s Demands (Panel Discussion):

In this panel, LF Edge Outreach Chair Balaji Ethirajulu (Ericsson),  EdgeX Foundry Chair of the Security Committee Malini Bhandaru (VMware), Roman Shaposhnik (ZEDEDA) and Akraino TSC Co-Chair Tina Tsou (Arm) discussed:

  • Edge use cases being addressed to satisfy the industry need
  • Collaboration between the LF Edge Projects and scope of each project
  • How to engage and contribute to each project

How LF Edge Powers the IoT Vertical Across the Stack (Panel Discussion): 

In this panel, LF Edge Board member Thomas Nadeau (Red Hat), EdgeX Foundry Chair of the Security Committee Malini Bhandaru (VMware), LF Edge Governing Board member Jason Shepherd (ZEDEDA), LF Edge Governing Board member Daniel Lazaro (OSISoft) and LF Edge Governing Board member Vikram Siwach (MobileedgeX) discussed contributions and cross-project synergies across Akraino, Baetyl, EdgeX Foundry, Fledge, Glossary, and HomeEdge. 

LF Edge/LF Networking Pavilion

As co-hosts, LF Edge and sister umbrella project LF Networking teamed up to present a pavilion at Open Networking and Edge Summit that showcased different technologies and use cases. Between 100-150 attendees visited the booths to download materials and watch demo videos. You can find the LF Edge demo videos on our Youtube Channel

Feedback from attendees was positive, with an overall average satisfaction rating of over 95%. 97% said they plan to attend a future Open Networking & Edge Summit, and 94% said they would recommend it to a friend or colleague. We’re in the process of planning next year’s event…stay tuned for more details!