The Linux Foundation is excited to present Open Source Summit Japan as a virtual event on December 2-6. Attendees will have the ability to network with others, attend presentations with live Q&A, interact with sponsors and more! Registration is US $50. To register, visit the main conference website here:
LF Edge will be featured in a few sessions at OSS Japan. Please see below and add these sessions to your schedule!
On Wednesday, December 2 at 9:40 – 9:50 am JST, Arpit Joshipura, General Manager of Networking, IoT and Edge, will give a keynote about trends in open source edge computing and networking. Add it to your schedule here.
On Wednesday, December 2 at 13:20 – 14:10 JST, LF Edge member Yin Ding, Akraino contributor and Chief Virtualization Technologist at Futurewei, will present, “Building Edge AI Stack and AI-aaS in Cloud Native Way.”
This talk will describe how to build Cloud Native Edge Stack service framework based on Kubedge (a CNCF Sandbox project), providing an edge-cloud collaborative AI service. It shares the details of edge AI stack architecture and design, edge-cloud application deployment, collaborative model management, dataset management etc. The work is part of Akraino KubeEdge Service Blueprint open source project. A demo will be also detailed to show case mobile device offloading, collaborative training (aka federated learning) can be easily achieved using the stack. The future roadmap will also be shared. Add it to your schedule here.
On Thursday, December 3 at 13:10 – 14:00 JST, join Vikram Siwach, LF Edge Governing Board member and Product Manager at MobiledgeX, Jason Shepherd, LF Edge Governing Board member and VP of Ecosystem at Zededa, and Molly Wojcik, Chair of State of the Edge’s Landscape project and Marketing Director at Section, will present a panel titled, “Demystifying the Edge with the New LF Edge Taxonomy and Framework.”
Edge computing represents a new paradigm in which compute and storage are located at the edge of the network, as close as both necessary and feasible to the location where data is generated and consumed, and where actions are taken in the physical world. The optimal location of these compute resources is determined by balancing the benefits of centralization and decentralization. Founded in 2019, LF Edge’s mission is to establish an open, interoperable framework for edge computing independent of hardware, silicon, cloud or operating system. With more than 75 members, LF Edge hosts eight projects building foundational enablers for edge computing in addition to providing research on this emerging market: Akraino Edge Stack, Baetyl, EdgeX Foundry, Fledge, Home Edge, Open Horizon, Project EVE and State of the Edge. Recently, LF Edge developed a white paper that outlined the a new edge taxonomy that clears up market confusion by breaking the continuum down based on inherent technical and logistical tradeoffs rather than using ambiguous terms. The taxonomy also comprehends a balance of interests spanning the cloud, telco, IT, OT, IoT, mobile and consumer markets. Add it to your schedule here.
On Friday, December 4 at 10:40 – 11:30 am JST, join Arpit Joshipura, General Manager of Networking, IoT and Edge, for a session titled “Uniting the Edge for tomorrow’s demands.”
Edge devices are slated to exceed 20 billion by 2020. For IoT to succeed in these devices, the currently fragmented edge market needs to be able to work together to identify and protect against problematic security vulnerabilities and advance a common, constructive vision for the future of the industry. The Linux Foundation’s LF Edge is part of this solution. It is an umbrella organization to establish an open, interoperable framework for edge computing independent of hardware, silicon, cloud, or operating system, will help ensure greater harmonization to accelerate deployment and bridge the gaps in the open source technologies to support the emerging Edge use cases. The Edge use cases from Industrial, Enterprise and Consumer spanning multiple edges and domains are being addressed by the LF Edge Projects including Akraino Edge Stack, Baetyl, EdgeX Foundry, Fledge, Home Edge, Open Horizon, Project EVE and State of the Edge. The projects within LF Edge are focused to address specific needs of the industry and complement each other to support a cohesive solution. Add it to your schedule here.
See the complete schedule for Open Source Summit Japan here.