Launched in 2018, the State of the Edge is a is vendor-neutral platform for open research on edge computing that is dedicated to accelerating innovation by crowdsourcing a shared vocabulary for edge. The project develops free, shareable research that is widely adopted and used to discuss compelling solutions offered by edge computing and the next generation Internet. From its inception, the organization had an editorial mission; we sought to align and educate, not generate leads or advance people through a sales funnel. It was an experiment, but it worked.
Now under the LF Edge umbrella, State of the Edge and the Open Edge Glossary have become widely accepted in the industry as building the standardization and lexicon for the edge. However, edge computing represents a long-term transformation of the Internet that could take decades to fully materialize. This year’s State of the Edge report and its forecast model do not represent final answers; instead, they represent an early start to a robust conversation. Please join the conversation, consider building upon or adding to the content we present, and help State of the Edge continue to advance the industry with well-researched, vendor-neutral thought leadership.
In this webinar, we’ll cover:
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