Join LF Edge community and accelerate edge computing adoption
May 22, 2023
AccuKnox joins mimik Technologies, IBM as Open Horizon project partner
The Open Horizon project, contributed by IBM to the Linux Foundation, developed a solution to automate complex edge computing workload and analytics placement decisions. Open Horizon also provides end-to-end security for the deployment process using security best practices. As a result of its rigorous adherence to recommended procedures, the Open…
Apr 27, 2023
Leaders in LF Edge: Interview with Michael Maxey
Gartner predicts that by 2025, more than 50% of enterprise-managed data will be created and processed outside the data center or cloud, with an over $500 billion increase in the edge computing market by 2030. As edge computing becomes a significant revenue opportunity for the technology and telecom industries, it’s even…
Apr 13, 2023
Efficiently Collect, Transform and Transit Your Data With eKuiper 1.9 Release
eKuiper—a lightweight IoT data analytics and streaming software—is now available in its 1.9.0 release. eKuiper, an LF Edge project, migrates real-time cloud streaming analytics frameworks such as Apache Spark, Apache Storm and Apache Flink to the edge. eKuiper references these cloud streaming frameworks, incorporates any special requirements of edge analytics…
Mar 31, 2023
Akraino and CAMARA Communities Join Forces to Boost API Integration in Edge Computing
At the Hefei High-tech Integrated Circuit Incubation Center in Anhui Province, a panel discussion moderated by Guanyu Zhu from Huawei's Cloud Network OSDT team brought together experts from the Akraino and CAMARA communities, along with industry professionals, to explore the significance of APIs in edge computing and the potential for…
Mar 27, 2023
Baetyl New Release Integrates With eKuiper and Delivers Edge to More Devices
Baetyl—an LF Edge project that extends cloud computing, data and service seamlessly to edge devices— has released v2.4.3 release. With the efforts of many active contributors, new functions have been added, and some existing functions have been continuously optimized since the previous v2.3.0 release. These new features continue to follow…
Mar 8, 2023
Webinar Recap: How LF Edge Projects Track CO2 Footprint with Secure Monitoring at the Edge
With community members from over 50 organizations gathered on LinkedIn and Zoom last week, LF Edge kicked off its first webinar this year. This webinar is a continuation of the “On the Edge with LF Edge” webinar series where we invite community members and industry leaders to share production case…