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By | July 25, 2018

SDX Central: EdgeX Foundry Adds Security to IoT Open Source Software

EdgeX Foundry, the Linux Foundation’s open source industrial IoT group, released its second major update to its open source IoT software. Dubbed California, the release has a smaller footprint so it can run more effectively at the edge and also incorporates several new security features.

The California release follows EdgeX’s first software release, called Barcelona, which occurred last October. California was originally scheduled to be released in April but was delayed until July so that the EdgeX developer community could rebuild the EdgeX code in Go Lang and reduce the footprint of the platform. “We launched Barcelona last October and had tremendous momentum,” said Jason Shepherd, EdgeX Foundry member and chair of the group’s governing board. “Even our developer count has doubled. We have more than 50 unique authors contributing to the code.”

Read more at SDX Central.