The Linux Foundation Projects
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By | May 27, 2021

AgStack joins with LF Edge and EdgeX Foundry to Create Agriculture IoT Solutions

This post originally published on the AgStack website

The newest Linux Foundation project, AgStack, announces a liaison with LF Edge and EdgeX Foundry to dock existing EdgeX software for IoT into AgStack’s IoT Extension. AgStack has also agreed to participate in the EdgeX Foundry Vertical Solutions Working Group to explore the adoption and use of the EdgeX IoT/edge platform as an extension to its design of digital infrastructure for agriculture stakeholders.  Through mutual LF project cooperation, the two projects hope to create a complete edge-to-enterprise open-source solution as part of AgStack that can help the global agricultural ecosystem.

The goals of the cooperation between the two projects are to:

  • Utilize the existing EdgeX Foundry framework to quickly accelerate AgStack’s reach into the agriculture edge – providing a universal platform for communicating with the ag industry’s sensors, devices and gateways.
  • Extend the EdgeX framework to handle agricultural edge use cases and unique ag ecosystem protocols, models, data formats, etc.
  • Jointly work on edge-to-enterprise market ready solutions that can be easily demonstrated and used as the foundation for real world products benefiting ag industry creators and consumers.
  • Setup an exchange (as fellow LF projects) to mutually assist and share lessons learned in areas such as project governance, devops, software testing, security, etc.

“We are in the early stages of defining and building the AgStack platform and we prefer not to have to start from scratch or reinvent the wheel as we build our industry leading open-source platform” said Sumer Johal, Executive Director of AgStack.  “EdgeX Foundry gives us the opportunity to leapfrog our IoT / edge efforts by several years and take advantage of the ecosystem, edge expertise, and lessons learned that EdgeX has acquired in the IoT space.”

“As a versatile and horizontal IoT/edge platform, we are excited to partner with AgStack who can help to highlight how EdgeX can be used in  agriculture IoT use cases and how the AgStack and EdgeX communities can collaborate to scale digital transformation for the agriculture and food industries” said Jim White, Technical Steering Committee Chairman of EdgeX Foundry.  “Even though a fellow LF project, we view AgStack as one of our vertical customers – applying EdgeX to solve real world problems – and what better place to demonstrate that than in an industry that feeds the world.”

 About AgStack

  AgStack was launched by the Linux Foundation in May 2021.  AgStack seeks to improve global agriculture efficiency through the creation, maintenance and enhancement of free, re-usable, open and specialized digital infrastructure for data and applications.  Founding members of AgStack include Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Our Sci, bscompany, axilab, Digital Green, Farm Foundation, Open Team, NIAB and Product Marketing Association.  To learn more visit