DZone/AIZone: How Open-Source Software Drives IoT and AI
One of the most promising emerging developments is the intersection of the IoT and AI. Expect more of this as open source continues to speed development in these exciting technologies.
Twenty years ago, open source was merely a new buzz phrase. Some scoffed at it, many misunderstood it, and only a small subset of people believed it could change the world. Today, open-source software lies at the heart of the most exciting technology developments.
The term may go back to the late ’90s, but open sharing of software source code dates back even further to the ’50s, when mainframe companies shared operating system source code with others. The movement rapidly gathered force with the success of the World Wide Web and now drives a significant portion of the economy. Open-source software has touched everything from word processing applications to databases and has recently enjoyed success in a major growth area: the Internet of Things (IoT). The movement has proven useful in both the development of edge-based IoT equipment and the evolution of back-end analytics systems that make sense of the data.
Read more at DZone/AIZone.