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By | March 25, 2021

Nominations are Open for the Annual EdgeX Community Awards!

Written by Aaron Williams, LF Edge Developer Advocate

It’s our favorite time of the year – where we take a step back and reflect on what we have accomplished and honor the members of our community who have gone above and beyond to support EdgeX Foundry.  We are pleased to announce the launch nominations for the 4th Annual EdgeX Community Awards.


Back in 2018 when we started the awards, we had about 1,000 Docker downloads and about 20 contributors.  Today, we are well over 7 million downloads and have 4 times the number of contributors.

In 2020, we expanded into Asia, especially China, which was demonstrated by the amazing turn out at EdgeX Foundry China Day 2020.  We also kicked off the EdgeX Foundry Adopter Series, where the community learns more about how companies around the world use EdgeX.  In addition to two more successful releases, we also announced the creation of the Open Retail Reference Architecture (ORRA) – a project to deliver a base edge foundation to the retail industry – with a presentation from IBM, Intel, and HP.  There were many more events and milestones (like debuting our brand-new website) that we could dive into, but we want to focus in the opening for nominations of the EdgeX Awards!

How to Participate

If you are already a member of the EdgeX Foundry community, please take a moment and visit our EdgeX Awards page and nominate the community member that you feel best exemplified innovation and/or contributed leadership and helped EdgeX Foundry advance and grow over the last year.  Nominations are being accepted through April 7, 2021.

The Awards

Innovation Award:  The Innovation Award recognizes individuals who have contributed the most innovative solution to the project over the past year.

Previous Winners:

2018- Drasko Draskovic (Mainflux) and Tony Espy (Canonical)

2019- Trevor Conn (Dell) and Cloud Tsai (IOTech)

2020- Michael Estrin (Dell Technologies and James Gregg (Intel)

Contribution Award:  The Contribution Award recognizes individuals who have contributed leadership and helped EdgeX Foundry advance and continue momentum in the past year. This includes individuals who have led work groups, special projects, and/or contributed large amounts of code, bug fixes, marketing material, documentation, or otherwise significantly advanced the efforts of EdgeX with their drive and leadership.

Previous Winners:

2018- Andy Foster (IOTech) and Drasko Draskovic (Mainflux)

2019- Michael Johanson (Intel) and Lenny Goodell (Intel)

2020- Bryon Nevis (Intel) and Lisa Ranjbar (Intel)

From top left to right: Keith Steele, Maemalynn Meanor, Bryon Nevis. Michael Estrin, Lisa Rashidi-Ranjbar, James Gregg, Aaron Williams, Jim White

To learn more about EdgeX Foundry, visit our website or join our Slack to ask questions and engage with community members. If you are not already a member of our community, it is really easy to join, simply visit our wiki page and/or check out our Git Hub.  And you can follow us on Twitter, and LinkedIn.